SSEds Toolbox
The “Toolbox on values, sustainability and social impact of the Social and Solidarity Economy” intends to provide SSE actors, who guide and educate (mostly) in sustainable and value-based SSE activities, a user-friendly system of classified SSE tools/methods. These tools/methods should be useful, at different stages and with different purposes and target groups, to guide young people towards their entrepreneurship in SSE.
You can use the filters on the left menu to narrow down the search, choosing more than one option for each search category. If you cannot find a suitable tool or resource, leave the filters “Target Group” and/or “Type of tool” empty or modify your search criteria.
- Assess an SSE initiative
- Build an SSE initiative
- Ensure sustainability
- Looking for inspiration
- Raise awareness about SSE
Type of Tool
- Event/Performance
- Game
- Manual
- Map
- Other
- Template
- Theoretical input
- Video
- Web platform
- Workshop
Target Group
- Advanced
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Castellano
- Catalan
- English
- French
- Greek
- Italian
- Other
During the Kick-off we have imagined the Toolbox structured in 3 sections (but of course they can be more):
- Tools for accompanying young people towards SSE (and SSE competences)
- Tools for ensuring sustainability of SSE activities
- Tools for social Impact assessment of SSE activities
Tools/methods will be collected capitalising firstly the experience of Consortium partners’ and their closer local and international networks, the previous projects ISSE and KISS and other possible contributors. Then, local groups of young people involved in the project will also have an important role in the construction of some new tools for the Toolbox coming from their SSE needs and experience, being this a special feature of SSEds. Finally, the project partners will also create new tools, especially concerning the “social impact assessment”.
In order to develop transferability and the greatest possible impact, we imagine the Toolbox in the form of a contributive platform, with the possibility of growth and evolution: it can be enriched and consulted in the long term and directly by those who develop such methods and tools (like SALTO Toolbox, but focused on SSE).