Training Module
This training module provides concrete educational approaches to focus on social impact, for young people who are in the process of creating an SSE project. Overall, it aims at maximizing the potential for social transformation of future SSE initiatives.
“On a train to social impact” is based on the principles of non-formal education and is a resource for facilitators that support young people in their educational path towards Social Solidarity Economy.
Specifically, the objectives of the Training Module are to:
- Motivate participants to go through the social impact assessment process according to the
values of SSE, specifically through the IMP’ACT tool. - Develop awareness about the competences related to social impact assessment of SSE
initiatives. - Equip participants with insights and arguments to convince others (their team) to do social
impact assessment. - Strengthen the collective approach and peer learning about the social impact assessment
process. - Involve participants in practical exercises according to the learning–by–doing principle.
Download the Training Module in pdf format “On a train to social impact”

The product consists of the development of a training module based on the principles of non-formal education, aimed at young people who are new (or almost) in SSE and they are interested in actively participating in it.
Elements of innovation
> The creation of a training module based on the experience of working with young people who are active and not active in the SSE, as well as powered by the training needs expressed by the participants of the local groups and by the inheritance of previous products.
> The training module is focused on the participants and maximizes its effectiveness in terms of the methodology and the concepts to be transmitted.
> The module will take into account its replicability and adaptability in different contexts and groups.
Expected impact
> Once finished, the training module will be a useful tool for its flexibility for all those educators interested in training young people and the general public to plan SSE initiatives focused on social impact.
> Local groups of young people and adult public interested in SSE will benefit from this product thanks to the training that the partners will provide, either during the life of the project or after its completion, to support the creation of new local SSE initiatives.