Welcome to our MOODLE COURSE on Transformative Economies and Game Design!

This module introduces learners to the concept of transformative economies and explores how game design can be a powerful tool to understand, critique, and innovate within these economies. Participants will gain knowledge about the principles of transformative economies and learn to apply these ideas in the creation of games that educate, inspire, or solve societal challenge.

You will have access to an interactive reading, a discussion forum that will put you in contact with the international community and allow you to expand your knowledge, a quiz with questions, a bank of bibliographic resources and much more!

Play The Change you want to see in the world by transforming the economy!

The game is destined to all people interested to learn about Transformative Economies or to merely have fun! That’s why The Change was designed to be as accessible as possible and is free. 

Join the YITEG international community by playing the game!

The Change is translated in different languages and you can download the print-to-play version that you want. You will find 2 documents: the components and the rules.

The multimedia map is one of the outputs of the YITEG project which goal is to present various Transformative Economies initiatives in the European Union. More than being an exhaustive collection of initiatives, it was intended to serve as a means to implement active learning pedagogies towards the youth local groups that the partnership has activated. 

The objective of the YITEG project is to sensibilize people to the subject of Transformative Economies at a European level while empowering the participants and strengthening their abilities. As non formal educators and convinced of learning-by-doing methods, we used the mapping as a way for the local groups to go and look for local initiatives they could meet in person. In that way, they interviewed them about their understanding of Transformative Economies, and integrated them in the final map. 

What is SSEDS?

SSEds is a project (2020-2021) which aimed to give visibility to the social impact of entrepreneurship initiatives in SSE, especially promoted by young people, through various educational tools and approaches.

What is YITEG?

YITEG is a two-year project that intends to intends to involve young people in a participative and learning-action-oriented process on Transformative Economies through the creation of a boardgame. Join the YITEG community!

Transformative Economies Blog

You can find information about Transformative Economies from the YITEG partnership and from other european networks. You can also follow the project’s activities (articles, webinars, creation of the boardgame, events, …)


Do you have a question or a project to suggest to us ? Send us a message

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