Exploring our YITEG international community
The second International Webinar of the YITEG project took place on October 3 with the objective of bringing together the different youth from local groups to share the progress of the project.
In this way, the idea was to get to know each other a little more, share the latest things that had been carried out in each group and share how we felt, all this with the great added value of understanding that the webinars are spaces for meeting with the international community and understand that the alternatives we are talking about are present throughout the territory.
We announce that we are starting a second phase of the project which is the “Mapping of Transformative Economies”. This is a challenge for young people and a way to collect initiatives that are being carried out throughout the continent.
The topics of the webinar were:
- Introduction and welcome;
- Get to know each other with ice breakers (games: counting in synchronization and take something from the room/desk that represents “me and YITEG”;
- Group presentation challenge: We are divided into local groups for 10 minutes and we have to show in an artistic way what our group means to us. We take the opportunity to explain the progress we have made;
- The mapping as next steps: Presentation of the interview grid for the mapping and reactions;
- Presentation of the Training Course in Reggio Calabria (Italy).
In this second Webinar, all participants from the countries involved have participated: Spain, Greece and France (we expect Italy for the next webinar).
Towards another possible world!