The 1st webinar took place on Thursday, 05.11.2020 at 18:00 CET and put together youth groups from four different countries. The main objective of the WEBINAR was to give the participants of the respective partner organizations the possibility to build an international community that is connected with SSE. To have the opportunity to know each other, share SSE ideals and initiatives that are occuring in the different countries and to jointly discuss needs for the future.
The topics of the webinar were the following:
- Introduction: Doing an energizer and including the added value of making it international.
- Presentations Drafts: Ask some participants to share – why did you get into SSE?
- Mission to your Country: Space for interactions between participants – What do you want to ask others?
- Collect needs for future: What are your needs?
The webinar was coordinated and moderated by the coordinating entity Kaleido’Scop (Sylvain). The energizer was coordinated by Citizens in Action (Giovanna). The attendees were:
France (Kaleido’Scop, Unis-cité) – Anouck, Axel, Camille, Enzo, Katia, Morgane, Sonia, Sophie, Sylvain, Suzon, Valentine
Greece (Citizens in Action) – Alex, Evita, Giovanna, Katerina
Italy (Confcooperative Piemonte Nord, STRANAIDEA) – Camara Tatamou, Lídia Greco, Maria Polino, Scilla D’Innocenzio, Silvia Simeone
Spain (Nexes Interculturales, Xarxa CooperaSec – Adrià, Alberto, Belén, Chiara, Dalila, Davide, Eliazar, Marion
The coordinating entity was responsible for designing a virtual PowerPoint presentation, that was filled previously by the local groups and after presented during point 2 of the webinar. The PowerPoint presentation used in the webinar is available for download.
At the end of the webinar, each country presented to their twin country a challenge to develop for the next webinar:
- From Spain to Italy: Organizing an activity about social theater
- From Italy to Spain: How did you manage the creation of a project like this one? How do you develop a project like this? How do you promote a project like this?
- From France to Greece: Explain the workshops that France is doing from a Greek perspective.
- From Greece to France: Presentation of an interview on another project.
The webinar was conducted in English using the Zoom tool including screen sharing.