Transformative Economies of Poble-Sec in the face of Covid 19 crisis With the Covid crisis more than ever we have seen how the initiatives that have emerged from the social and solidarity economy are absolutely necessary if we want to build a map of community relations that are sustainable, with more balanced models, that allow […]
Transformative Economies Blog
Report on the 1st Webinar
The 1st webinar took place on Thursday, 05.11.2020 at 18:00 CET and put together youth groups from four different countries. The main objective of the WEBINAR was to give the participants of the respective partner organizations the possibility to build an international community that is connected with SSE. To have the opportunity to know each […]
SCIS2020 Digital Marathon
Last 5 years, Confcooperative Federsolidarietà pushed the international dimension of social cooperatives and social enterprises, creating the Social Cooperatives International School. This unique event gathered together hundreds of cooperative entrepreneurs, social enterprises, thinkers and practitioners from all around the globe to meet experts from innovative sectors, to get inspired from international best practices and to […]
Participate in the WSFTE now!
The World Social Forum on Transformative Economies continues to move forward, with challenges that are more urgent than ever in a world in full reconfiguration. Based on the results of the preparatory meetings and the challenges emerged during the last year, the convergence spaces of the Forum and the self-managed online activities are meant to […]