Imp’ACT – From dreamers to changemakers

Il 5 novembre 2021, dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 13.00, si terrà l’evento finale del Partenariato Strategico Erasmus+ SSEDs (Strategies for youth SSE Enterpreneurship Development and Social impact) presso Open Incet, in piazza Teresa Noce 17. L’evento si terrà in inglese, senza traduzione per valorizzare la presenza dei partner stranieri. Il progetto ha coinvolto attivamente 7 […]

Presentation of the Imp’act Tool in the III Fira d’economia social, solidària i sostenible del Poble-sec

From the european project SSEds (Strategies to develop youth entrepreneurship and social impact in the SSE), we want to invite you to participate in a workshop that Nexes Interculturals organization will give at the Fira d’ESS del Poble-sec (Plaza del Surtidor) on Saturday October 2 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. This workshop will be […]

Report on the 3rd Webinar

On 16th February the SSEds international community met online for their 3rd webinar. The main aim of the meeting was to keep building this community of young people interested in Social Solidarity Economy, SSE practitioners and educators. After a short energizer, the participants splitted into country groups in order to reflect about what they are […]

Report on the 2nd Webinar

On 9th December the SSEds international community met online for their 2nd webinar. They were 2 hours full of exchange and inspiration! The main aim of the meeting was to keep building this community of young people interested in Social Solidarity Economy, SSE practitioners and educators. After a short energizer, the participants split in two […]

Report on the 1st Webinar

The 1st webinar took place on Thursday, 05.11.2020 at 18:00 CET and put together youth groups from four different countries. The main objective of the WEBINAR was to give the participants of the respective partner organizations the possibility to build an international community that is connected with SSE. To have the opportunity to know each […]

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