The recipe is simple;
* Start with a mime game (Taboo) to collectively think about what the Social and Solidarity Economy is and what the SSEds project represents.
* Extract the juice; cooperation, economy without money, sustainability, alternative, aid, solidarity, community …
* Then, dissect the recipe, understand where this typical dish comes from: the Mafé (or maafe) is a traditional stew or sauce (depending on the consistency) that is consumed in Senegal, West Africa. It is a simple peanut and tomato-based stew made with beef or lamb, served with rice. The Mandingo and Bambara peoples of Mali are at the origins of the Mafé, but it quickly became popular in Senegal and the Gambia. Due to the growth of the peanut industry during colonization in the 19th century, variations of the dish began to appear in West and Central Africa.
* Cook over low heat and once it’s done …