Tool Description
The Social Balance is a tool for accountability and a measure of social, environmental, and good governance impact. Organizations that do this can use the results to improve internally and allow to have aggregate data on the ethical standards of the Solidarity Economy and the Social Market.
- Obtain recognition by administrations and citizens as part of the SSE
- Make the SSE visible
- Periodic self-assessment and continuous improvement
of its internal organisation - Communication of the values of the organisation
Recommended for
By organisations that want to improve their sustainability in different aspects/dimensions
To make the Social Balance of your organisation, it requires some time for the analysis and, possibly, some time for the discussion in team.
Background and where it has been employed
XES created the first draft tool in 2008 and improved it in the following years, proposing it to SSE organisations (231 made their Social Balance in 2019)
Links and downloads and
Here you can download an example in English.
Created by
XES – Xarxa d’Economia Solidària