What is SSEds?
In the report of 2018 of the Research Institute for Social Development of the United Nations, it is stated that, for a sustainable development, it is important to consider the multidimensional impact of the Social and Solidarity Economy (social, environmental, civic participation and political empowerment), and it is necessary to create instruments to measure it.
7 organisations of 4 countries (Spain, Italy, Greece and France) have joined in this project with an overall objective: to visualize the social impact of entrepreneurship initiatives in SSE, especially promoted by young people.
For this, with the SSEds project we want to:
> reinforce methodologies for accompanying young people in entrepreneurship in SSE, especially those with fewer opportunities;
> strengthen the competences and visions in SSE so that young people can undertake initiatives in their communities;
> elaborate new tools for SSE, fruit of a collective creation;
> create instruments for the evaluation of the social impact of SSE initiatives.

It is important to consider the multidimensional impact of the
Social and Solidarity Economy (social, environmental, civic participation and political empowerment),
and it is necessary to create instruments to measure it.
During the 2 years project (January 2020-December 2021) it is foreseen the elaboration of 2 intellectual outputs:
> a “Toolbox on values, sustainability and social impact of the ESS“
> a “Training Module for approaching young people to the ESS“, with focus on the social impact of the ESS
It is planned the organisation of a learning activity “Youth and SSE for social transformation” at international level, within another mobility project of Erasmus+.
It is foreseen the implementation of a multiplier event in each country, to present the results and outputs of the project, with the last multiplier event, in Turin, with an international dimension.
A clear impact of the project will be:
> the creation of training itineraries for accompanying in entrepreneurship in SSE at the local and transnational level
> the strengthening of competences, visions and networks of young people who want to undertake initiatives in SSE
> the strengthening of a European consortium that promotes
> the recognition of the value of the SSE, the support of young people in the entrepreneurship in SSE and the evaluation of its social impact