ISSEgame workshop

Tool Description

This workshop gives the chance to enter the world of SSE values, simulate the activity of a SSE organisation and later discuss/reflect in group on the choices done.

ISSEgame is an online game that simulates the management of an SSE organisation/enterprise, discovering the core values and the competencies required in Social and Solidarity Economy initiatives.

The workshop is developed in 4 steps:

  1. Knowing each other
  2. Debate on SSE dimensions
  3. Intro on ISSE project (and the SSE tools produced)
  4. ISSEgame, let’s play! with a final debriefing and feedback

It introduces the need to focus on the SSE values, competences and collaborators’ profiles of an organisation that wants to implement projects and be sustainable. To play the game means to bring all these aspects at practical level. It also implies debate and management decisions.

At the end, the discussion and debriefing about participants’ choices during the game give a learning value to the gaming experience.


  • to reflect and discuss in group on the values/principles of SSE;
  • to introduce the holistic vision of ISSE project and all its connected production, which leads to ISSEgame;
  • to explain the process of building up the game, the game rules, to play simulating the activity of a SSE organisation and to reflect on the game practice.

Recommended for


2 hours

Background and where it has been employed

The workshop has been created after several on-site presentations to practitioners from the need to structure with more pedagogical references and reflections the experience of playing the ISSEgame. The workshop has been run first time in Latvia in 2018 for University students and for NGO youth leaders.

Material needed

ISSEgame Laptops or tablets (one per participant) and internet connection Material for the workshop (see downloadable presentations and documents down here)

Links and downloads

The game:

Tutorial about how to play it.

Detailed description of ISSEgame workshop




Created by


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