6th Transnational Webinar: Towards a feminist economy that puts care at the center

At the demand of the local groups during the mid-term evaluation of the project, we organised a new transnational webinar to better understand some concepts of Transformative Economies. If Feminist Economies can constitute an alternative to the analyses of conventional economics and to the structural deficiencies of the current capitalist, heteropatriarchal and racist system, the […]

What is Agroecology ?

Within the YITEG project (Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game-design), we want to explain and enlighten different branches of Transformative Economies. Feminist economies, Communitarian economy, Commons, Social and Solidarity Economy have been identified by the local groups which worked on the Transformative Economies. But why is agroecology a part of the social and agricultural transformation? […]

5th Transnational Webinar: create impact with the YITEG game

On June 11, we held the 5th International Webinar of the YITEG project, which was attended by 20 people from the different countries involved in the project. Under the title “How to create impact with the YITEG game“, we were able to reflect together on the new phase in which we find ourselves and the […]

The Communitarian Economy

With the YITEG project (Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game design), we want to put the light on the branch of the Communitarian Economy, as an alternative to the capitalist paradigm. Overall, the Communitarian Economy refers to all activities that are developed without depending on the state or the market, i.e., through self-management. We refer […]

Social and Solidarity Economy

The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is an innovative economy anchored to the territory, which generates co-production of knowledge, goods and social services on the basis of cooperation (rather than competition) between different actors and sectors. The social and solidarity economy is a broad concept used to indicate organizations and businesses working in the field […]

4th Transnational Webinar : let’s talk about The Change!

The 4th Transnational Webinar, entitled “Let’s talk about The Change”, has taken place on March the 5th to reunite all local groups together and discuss about the game. It was also the occasion for new participants in the project to meet the other members belonging to this international community.  As usual, we began the session […]

What are Commons?

Within the Erasmus+ project YITEG (Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game-design), we consider the Commons and commoning as one of the main branches of Transformative Economies. Commons are shared resources of any kind. The goal of the commons and of commoning is to provide goods and ideas to everyone, without any discrimination.  The concept of […]

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