Report on the 2nd Webinar

On 9th December the SSEds international community met online for their 2nd webinar.
They were 2 hours full of exchange and inspiration! The main aim of the meeting was to keep building this community of young people interested in Social Solidarity Economy, SSE practitioners and educators.

After a short energizer, the participants split in two groups in order to exchange information about the tasks that were assigned from one national group to the other, at the end of the previous webinar:

  • The French team presented short video interviews they did among each other, where they gave more information about the projects that each of them is implementing or is planning to develop in the near future.
  • The group from Greece introduced some educational and cultural initiatives that are implemented in Athens by cooperatives and informal groups, in relation to performing arts and social intervention.
  • The Spanish team explained how it is possible to develop an european project like SSEds 4 Youth.
  • A member of the Italian partner Stranaidea explained how they use social theatre together with the community

The webinar continued with the testimonial of Titouan Delage from St. Etienne and the story of his path into SSE starting from his studies until the development and future plans of ‘Le Poisson Mécanique’, a urban agriculture initiative he started with a team of people. The Mechanic Fish aims to create organic gardens in elders’ nursing homes and hospitals, with the involvement of young volunteers and the elder or patients residents themselves (@lepoissonmecanique).

Going from an idea towards seeing this idea become reality, Titouan received the support of various actors, including SSEds partner Unis-cité that offered him the opportunity to volunteer in an elders nursing home, where he became an active member of the community and could start to implement the first Poisson Mecanique garden.

Taking inspiration from Titouan’s story and drawing from their own plans and current situation, the four teams discussed about what education and training they feel they need, in order to start their own paths into SSE, like Titouan did. Venturing into the world of SSE is not an easy task, particularly because we are a very diverse community: some people have experience in SSE while others are learning about it just now, some are simply curious about SSE and look for inspiration while others already have a clear idea of what they would like to develop. 

Nevertheless, we believe that strength and creativity lie in diversity! This is one of the aims of SSEds international community, to be there for each other with inputs, motivation and interesting discussions.

The webinar concluded with a proposal from the facilitators for the next webinar, that will take place at the beginning of February. Each national group will work of one of these topics and will share the result with the other groups:

  • Bring testimonials of young people at your local level, that have created an initiative related to SSE and would like to share their story with our community.
  • Organize an energizer or a game for the next webinar
  • Try out an educational activity linked to SSE and present it or give feedback about it to the other groups

Now we will keep meeting and working at the local level, and we renew our appointment for February with the 3rd SSEds webinar.

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