Generation Impact - France

Génération Impact

The volunteers of Unis cité -Saint etienne- ambassadors of the SSE!

In partnership with the “Live for Good” association, Unis Cité volunteers become SSE ambassadors through the “Generation Impact” program. Taking note of the fact that :

More than 70% of young people (18-30 years old) believe that SSE could contribute to the change of society

«Meaning» is one of the main criteria for deciding to join a profession (opinionway survey)

SSE suffers from a lack of awareness and is not always considered accessible to the most remote audiences (Avise study)

Our volunteers will go out to meet other young people to raise awareness about SSE, with several objectives:

– To make this sector of the economy, its values, its functioning, and to make it known
– To allow the young people visit an emblematic place of the SSE on their territory.
– To allow the young people meet an entrepreneur.

Training of the volunteers

The 13 volunteers of Unis-cité Saint Etienne started their training 15 days ago, with in particular: 

– A day of presentation of the SSE and animations to be carried out around this theme with Marion NASSIF from the association Live For Good.

– The meeting of two entrepreneurs, Sara and Alexandre BAUDOUX, who presented their personal trajectory, their trigger to become an entrepreneur, and their company «generation inspires».

– Several days of critical reflection on SSE, in order to understand the subject as best as possible.

What next?

Volunteers will approach youth structures to propose their interventions. Already 4 interventions are planned in the coming weeks, the objective being that it continues.

Some of the volunteers are actively participating in the sseds program, notably with a presence on the webinars. These times are additional opportunities for them to deepen their knowledge of SSE in an international approach.

To learn more, here are some sites (in French):
Generation Impact” program:
Social enterprise “Generation Inspires”:

Unis Cité Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Facebook @uniscite.auvergnerhonealpes



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