Tool Description

The platform offers three impact repositories. The first two repositories are accompanied by a guide (downloadable pdf) that explains the context and how to use it.

SSE teams and project leaders can, for example, find indicators relating to well-being (self-confidence, reduction of stress, etc.), the environment (reduction of waste, recycling of materials, lifespan of products and services, etc.), the economy and employment (local impact, skills development, etc.), reduction of inequalities etc.

Each area includes a series of indicators to measure the percentage of reached impact. Under each indicator, there is: a description of what it means, recommendations on how to measure it, what sources can better provide the needed data.

The main domains include, for example, identity, social mission, governance, diversity, human resources, economic model, etc. Each domain is broken down into subdomains that are addressed through questions in the form of an online questionnaire.


To equip and support SSE companies in their first steps in terms of impact measurement, through two types of indicators:

  1. social impact indicators about the impact of activities carried out in various SSE sectors.
  2. business management indicators about internal practices and raison d’etre (governance, human resources, etc.), in the form of a self-evaluation online questionnaire. This is accessible only to France-based companies.

Thanks to VALOR’ESS, it is possible to:

  • Define what management model the company uses and develop ad hoc practices in a process of continuous improvement
  • Measure the positive externalities of a company’s activities and show how they generate a positive impact on the territory.
  • Cultivate and promote the social benefit of the activities towards the stakeholders
  • Question the socio-economic model and the growth strategy of the company
  • Integrate impact measurement into the activities of the entity

Recommended for

Background and where it has been employed

Presented by UDES at a round table discussion around the challenges of social impact assessment.

Material needed

wifi, laptop, projector

Links and downloads

Created by

UDES - Union des employeurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire


The questionnaire on internal processes is accessible only to SSE entities based in France (VAT number required during login)

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