Kaléido’Scop is a cooperative company, named in France as” SCOP” (Société Coopérative et Participative = Participative and cooperative enterprise). A long history is behind this old movement of SSE but still the economic model of SCOP remains marginal. In the family of cooperative companies, we also have SCIC (Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif = Cooperative enterprises of collective interest) that gives the possibility to create a cooperative with a local focus or need to satisfy (goods or services), together with individual cooperators, private actors and public institutions.
An important step has been made in 2014 with a law on SSE, reinforcing the visibility and impact of cooperative companies.
In 2020, there were 3 600 SCOP and SCIC in France.
Our movement of SCOP and SCIC is organized in federation, at regional and national level. There is an association called URSCOP at regional level. As a cooperative company, you may be part of it or not. Kaléido’Scop is a part of it.
The URSCOP federates cooperatives, supports networking between all of them, accompany and advise cooperatives in creation phase but also in their life and also advocate for the cooperative movement towards the political and economical world.
In September 21 will be the regional Congress of SCOP and SCIC in our region (Auvergne – Rhône Alpes) and in March 22, this will be the national Congress. Kaléido’Scop will support the facilitation of workshops at local level, with SCOP and SCIC on the different territories of our region.
With participative methods, the aim is to produce together recommendations for increasing the visibility of the movement at regional and national level. 3 dimensions will be worked out:
- Our vision of society and role of cooperatives as actors of change
- Efficiency of the movement
- Development of the network

In french cooperatives like Kaléido’Scop, we strongly believe that social values and political vision can be combined with economic development. We see and believe in the growing concept of economic citizenship that says:
“you shouldn’t have to take off your jacket of engaged citizen and leave it at the door of our enterprise. You should keep it with you and experiment your citizenship in the cooperative, be an actor of change on the labour market”.
What is at stake there is democracy and is about developing a new model of governance within enterprises, a new model of work, a new model of society ! And that’s why we contribute with our creative and participative methods to facilitate workshops with the movement of cooperative companies (URSCOP) of all our region, so that the voice of cooperative companies can be heard !
More to read (in French) on the congress of SCOP : https://www.scop.org/ma-cooperative-moi-et-le-congres-des-scop-et-scic
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