5th Transnational Webinar: create impact with the YITEG game

On June 11, we held the 5th International Webinar of the YITEG project, which was attended by 20 people from the different countries involved in the project. Under the title “How to create impact with the YITEG game“, we were able to reflect together on the new phase in which we find ourselves and the new package of activities. More than a year has passed since we started this adventure, and the game on Transformative Economies is almost finished. The new objective will be to see how to generate impact, how to transmit and share the tool we have generated and how to connect the game with the more theoretical part about Transformative Economies and the basic idea of this project: to build alternatives -and support the existing ones- towards a better world.

For an hour and a half, and with a strong sense of international community, we were able to explore new ideas and share the situation in which each local group finds itself. In this sense, each territory was able to explain how the testing phases of the game had gone, explaining their experiences in schools and institutes, with SSE organizations, experts in game design, etc. 

On the other hand, and as a central part of the webinar, we divided into groups to think about the strategy of how to convince people to play, that all players understand what the game is about (what are Transformative Economies), and that people have fun and get interested in TEs.  We did this by thinking about the different groups we could play with (family, friends, students) and reflecting on the different challenges and insights that could come out of each group.

With these reflections, we will develop materials that can help local groups and people who are not involved in the project to develop workshops based on: how to explain the game, introduce the mapping, facilitate a possible discussion, etc. This will be a new product of the project: the Manual. Now we have to think of different ways to build this manual so that it is easy to consult, and ready so that in September and October each local group can organize its own workshops with the people it wants: friends, organizations, students, universities or educational centers, etc.

Finally, we mentioned that we will continue to do International Webinars with the local groups to keep the international community feeling. These webinars will be in September-October and will be thematic on: Feminist Economies, and Commons. As a final part of the project we will do a Webinar to present the results involving other continents.

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